So I have been uber slack lately with this, and I promise it will all be back to regular posting from now on.
At the moment I am really struggling with Bridesmaids. I haven't officially asked any of them yet except for Melbourne Lady and am planning what I hope to be a really special way of asking them and a fun day that I hope they really do appreciate. I want to ask them to keep the date free but then I dont want to ruin it for them as then they would know before I send out the cards.....
But its my choices that are started to bug me. I hate long engagements, they totally suck. I am indecisive about things at the best of times and this isnt helping me at all. I thought I had my 4 sorted and was just waiting till the one year mark as I've heard horror stories of Bridesmaidzilla's appearing around this mark if asked to early. So thats fastly approaching and I have the gifts for them all sorted, things that were being made have been finished and now I am questioning myself again. I really don't want to regret it like so many brides seem to do!
I knew something like this was bound to happen - another reason why I was putting it off.....
Arg to hard!! How much are those Vegas flights now??