While browsing etsy this afternoon I came across these clutches.

I know what you're all thinking. These would be a perfect match for the bridesmaids shoes with the ruffle top if only the brown/orange was tiffany blue. See I told you I knew what you were thinking, or maybe it's just me.
Either way.... I want the girls to have these. Only thing is, so far a little chunk of the wedding budget has been spent on the girls. Their hair, makeup, jewellery, contribution to shoes, parasols, hair pieces, gifts, asking to be bridesmaid gifts, other treats I have organised for them..... These bags as adorable and perfect as they are would make money spent on them insane. Especially considering the boys have been estimated and nothing has actually been bought and locked away in my mothers spare room like the above.
Sigh.... want bags.
New wedding mantra: MUST STOP SPENDING!!!!!!
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