I keep meaning to start a beauty regime to get my skin as lovely as it needs to be for the big day. I am cheap when it comes to makeup and products and don't really bother that much. I currently use a Biore cleanser that was $4.98 from Woolworths and an Oil of Olay moisterizer that costs me $13.
Friends rave about Clinque and a lady at work kept telling me to go into DJ's or Myer and get a consultation, even if its just for the free samples - that I could then give to her! Another lady that works in the Beauty/Hairdressing area heard us talking about it and suggested booking into the clinic that's on campus to get them to get a Dermalogica Face Mapping thing done. Since I'd feel like I'd have to buy something in a store, I opted to book in. So I used my lunch break today to go see what my face tells them and what I can do to make it happier as I know it's most likely not going to be good (especially with this breakout i've got going on at the moment!!)

No surprises, I have sensitive skin! I did tell her that on the little form I had to fill out to start with it and so after a little more discussion and then she did a run through on some products she recomends. Usually around the $80, I managed to score this sweet little pack for $50 thanks to some staff discount! Aaand a whole pile of little sample satchets and already I am sooo smitten. My skin feels 100% better and thats just from her one use. Can't wait to see how it goes after a months worth!

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